Yemen Humanitarian Crisis

The Arab Spring, which started in Tunisia in April 2011 rapidly spread throughout the Middle East. When it reached the shores of Yemen it found the perfect territory for it to turn into a civil war between the government and its opposers.

Yemen Humanitarian Crisis has a long history even before the Arab Spring. The main reason, the conflict in Yemen turned into a war was the failure of its political system. Years of corruption and mismanagement of resources took this beautiful country to the edge of catastrophe.

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Yemen Crisis Explained

The complexity of the Yemen Crisis is making this humanitarian crisis more difficult to deal with. In most of the conflicts around the world, you have two parties.

  1. Government – In control of an area/region
  2. Rebels – who want to take control of the area/region

However, in this case, you have the Government on one side and on the other side you have Houthi Rebels, separatist groups, and various tribes. All these parties are fighting for control of their territory with the other. This has made delivering aid in some of the areas impossible because as a charity working in Yemen, you don’t know who to deal with. Making the process of delivering life-saving food & water aid to people stuck in the conflict zone impossible.

Yemen Humanitarian Crisis: Right Now!

Since 2015, Yemen has been experiencing the worst humanitarian crisis in recent human history.

  • 24,3 million people are in urgent need of food and water
  • 12.4 million children need humanitarian assistance
  • 2.3 million Yemeni children are facing starvation
  • 2.2 million children are out of school
  • 1.7 million children have become refugees within their own country
  • 1.1 million orphans in Yemen

These dark statistics from Yemen show that the task on hand is huge. It will take years if not decades to rebuild Yemen. However, for the rebuilding process to start the war needs to stop first. Unfortunately, the Yemen conflict doesn’t look like coming to an end very soon.

The biggest losers of the Yemen war

  • Starving children of Yemen

This man-made famine has left millions of Yemeni children starving. The annual death count among children under 5 could reach a staggering level of 400,000, UN agencies have warned. All due to starvation.

Story of Starving Ahmadiya

Ahmadiya: a 13 years old Yemeni girl.

When she was brought to the al-Sabeen hospital in Yemen’s capital Sanaa, she only weighed 9 kilograms. Her eyes were wide open when doctors offered her a nutritional drink. Her thin fingers were struggling to grasp the handle of the cup. After several tries, she managed to hold on to it and started drinking in small sips.

After staying under the watchful eyes of Yemeni Doctors for three weeks, Ahmadiya amazingly gained 6 kilograms in weight. She’s not out of danger yet but with the help of international aid charities, Insha’Allah Ahmadiya will survive. However, she will feel the effects of this illness for the rest of her life.

Source: Reuters

  • Orphans of Yemen

Since the start of the Yemen War, a staggering 1.1 million have been made Orphans. Many Yemeni Orphans are having to fend for themselves. They don’t have anyone to provide basic life necessities like food, water, clothes & education. In a country where 80% of its population is dependent on help from international charities like the Dabbagh Welfare Trust, what chance will an Orphan have to survive among the crowd of adults looking for food for their families?

Story of Anas – A Yemeni Orphan

Anas is a 12-year-old Yemeni Child.

He lost his father during the Yemen civil war

Anas is the only breadwinner in the family.

Instead of going to school he now works in a workshop.

His job is to cut iron.

With no safety equipment, he is always one accident away from sustaining life-changing injuries.

Alhamdulillah, Anas has found a sponsor who is helping him with the cost of running his house and paying for his education.

  •  Yemeni Widows

The Yemen Crisis has brought nothing but misery for everyone involved. By far the biggest losers of this war are Yemeni Women. Millions have lost their husbands and sons in the brutal war. Whilst the exact number of widows in Yemen is not known, every year thousands of women are becoming widows directly from the impacts of the Yemen conflict.

Story of a Yemeni Widow

After her husband’s death, Zikri became the sole breadwinner of a family of four children. With a daily income of less than £3, she is struggling to provide for her young children. Alhamdulillah, a UK Islamic Charity helped Zikri by sponsoring her under their Sponsor a Widow scheme but when the fighting restarted in her region. Muslim charity couldn’t continue with her sponsorship.

Zikri has now fled her town and is living in a refugee camp in Taiz. Currently, with the help of a partner 100% Donation Policy Muslim Charity, Dabbagh Welfare Trust is providing her with a monthly food parcel. However, the situation is so fragile that we could lose contact with her at any time.

FAQ – Yemen Humanitarian Crisis

Yemen is a Middle Eastern country. Ancient Yemen was famous for its Frankincense, myrrh, and coffee. Right now, Yemen is famous for its long civil war, starving children, famine, and millions of orphan children and widows. Yemen is located on the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula. Yemen’s neighbouring countries include Saudi Arabia and Oman.

Muslim charities working in Yemen include…

  • Dabbagh Welfare Trust
  • Unite 4 Humanity
  • Humanity Care Relief
  • Islamic Welfare Trust
  • Ummah Welfare Trust
  • Islamic Relief
  • Penny Appeal

International Aid Charities Working in Yemen include…

  • Action Against Hunger
  • Oxfam
  • Save the Children
  • World Food Programme

The best way to help Yemen is to donate to the Yemen Crisis Appeal. Right now, many UK Muslim Charities are delivering food & water aid in Yemen. You can feed a family by

  • Sponsoring a food pack
  • Donating a water tank, or
  • Helping a family financially by donating your Zakat to Yemen

Dabbagh Welfare Trust’s Yemen Humanitarian Crisis Appeal

Alhamdulillah, Allah has given us a chance to help our Yemeni brothers & sisters during this crisis. We are on the ground delivering life-saving food & water aid. We need your urgent donations to provide food packs and water tanks for the poor & needy families. Donate to Yemen Appeal and help us save lives in Yemen.

Donation Policy

Dabbagh Welfare Trust operates a 100% Transparency Policy. Our financial records are available to anyone who wishes to see where donations are being spent. We are a 95% Donation Policy Charity.


If £100 is donated towards our Yemen Food Appeal, the breakdown of that donation is as follows.

£95 will be used to purchase food for the Yemeni families

£5 will be used on marketing to re-generate further donations for the Yemen Emergency Appeal

0 salaries – Dabbagh Welfare Trust does not have any salaried employees.

Any gift aid claimed will be reinvested back into the charity in the form of funding projects which don’t receive enough donations to cover any extra marketing and administration costs.

Why Give with Dabbagh Welfare Trust?


We believe in complete transparency. Insha’Allah, your donation will go directly to those in need.


With a proven track record of providing humanitarian aid in conflict, war, and natural disaster zones, your donations to the any emergency appeal are in safe hands. Insha’Allah


Every donation no matter how small, will insha’Allah have a positive impact on the lives of the most vulnerable.

Dabbagh Welfare Trust is a UK-based Islamic charity. We take pride in being recognised as a charity that works closely with widows, orphans, and the most vulnerable families from some of the world’s poorest communities. Over the past decade, we have delivered aid from the funds raised via the Gaza Emergency Appeal, Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal, Pakistan Floods Appeal, and Afghanistan Emergency Appeal and helped countless victims of poverty and injustice. As a charity, Alhamdulillah has a proven track record of effectively and efficiently delivering aid. Donate to the Food Appeal, Water Appeal or Winter Appeal – Donate with confidence. Insha’Allah

Alhamdulillah, as an Islamic Charity, we have a proven track record of effectively and efficiently delivering aid to the most vulnerable. Donate to the Ramadan Food Appeal, Ramadan Water Appeal or Ramadan Zakat Appeal – Donate with confidence.

If you would like to donate and have questions please feel free to ask. Whether you want to sponsor an orphan, sponsor a widow, donate a handcart, sponsor a sewing machine, gift a goat or help someone by donating your Zakat, donate with confidence Insha’Allah. Every penny will be spent according to shar’i guidelines and under the supervision of the experienced Dababgh Welfare Trust team.

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